Memo from AIADCA President

AGM Members News

Dear A Class Sailors and Supporters,

The AIADCA Management Committee held its first meeting of the new year on the 25th May 2021.

The first half of the year saw the Association complete 4 regattas,  a Nationals and 3 State Championships with good numbers despite the challenges of COVID 19. The Committee is now working towards 2022 with the Australian Championships confirmed for RQYS from the 8th January to 14th January 2022 with a Notice of Race to come soon.

The Committee is also working hard to reaffirm its commitment to an efficient and robust measurement process. John Dowling was elected as the new National Measurer in February this year with a new team of State Measurers appointed. Of note is that World sailing has endorsed the IACA Classic Discipline and the details of current Rules and Measurement requirements are available  at

The AIADCA Committee is also looking for an enthusiastic member to take on the vacant role of “Publicity Officer”. If you are interested please contact myself.

Lastly the contact list for the AIADCA Executive, Measurers and State Representative is available at

Yours in Sailing

Paul Neeskens
